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Capital Campaign Updates

Our goal is to raise $4.5 million (paid out over the next five years) for a building expansion.

The Time To Pledge Is NOW

If you have not yet pledged to the one by One building campaign here at Prince of Peace, please return your pledge decision to the parish NOW!

Deacon Jeff and our parish leaders are working on the architectural and financing plans for the building expansion, but we need a pledge decision from each parish family before we can finalize these plans.

We are excited to announce that over 84% of our campaign goal has already been pledged!

Picture the Progress

fundraising goal thermometer

Why Should I Support This Campaign?

If you have not yet pledged to the one by One building campaign here at Prince of Peace, please return your pledge decision to the parish NOW!

Deacon Jeff and our parish leaders are working on the architectural and financing plans for the building expansion, but we need a pledge decision from each parish family before we can finalize these plans.

We are excited to announce that over 84% of our campaign goal has already been pledged!

Mathys Family

Kari Mathys

"We desperately need more space at POP. We especially want our children to benefit from the added community space, quality RE program, and youth groups. As a committee member, it would be easier to plan more and higher quality events if we had more space. The time to renovate is now."

Barbara VandenAvond

"Growing in personal and community faith has increased tremendously the past few years. Increased building capacity will provide space for additional counseling and activities, bringing parishioners and other community members together to share in their faith. It is a win-win project."

Doug Wichman

"I’ve taught RE for over 25 years and I have come to know so many wonderful students. I believe the new space will give POP more opportunities to keep our youth and young adult groups engaged in their faith. I hate to lose 'wonderful' to the outside world."

Campaign Resources

If you have not yet pledged to the one by One building campaign here at Prince of Peace, please return your pledge decision to the parish NOW!

Deacon Jeff and our parish leaders are working on the architectural and financing plans for the building expansion, but we need a pledge decision from each parish family before we can finalize these plans.

We are excited to announce that over 84% of our campaign goal has already been pledged!

Ground Blessing - July 16, 2023

POP Blessing 1
POP Blessing 3
POP Blessing 2
POP Blessing 4

Our Partners

EUA Logo
Miron Logo


We look forward to your comments, questions and feedback to help our community grow. Let's connect.


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